As a beginner, you might have heard fellow welders talk about red or gold tungsten electrodes, debating which one is better or suits steel or aluminum alloys. That's why we decided to help you understand tungsten electrode types and give you tips when choosing the right one for your application.
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This article will also teach you why joining aluminum is so difficult and how to effectively clean it before welding (extremely important!).
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In this article, you'll learn how to recognize puddle issues when TIG welding, if you are running too hot or too cold of an arc, and some tips specific for TIG welding stainless steel and aluminum.
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This article will teach you which tip shape is suitable for your application and how to actually shape the tungsten electrode.
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If you have some experience under your belt though, TIG welding is well worth getting into. It’s versatile, highly skilled, and immensely rewarding. Ready to get started with TIG welding?
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